Author: Alan

Loving the museums in Seattle

Seattle, WA has some of the coolest museums that I have ever seen in my life. Only a couple of years back, I went to Seattle for a corporation conference! The only thing I was glad about was the fact that recreational cannabis was legal. I honestly did not want to go to the corporation […]

It’s nice checking out the museums in Seattle

Seattle, WA has some of the most fantastic plus coolest museums that I’ve ever seen in my life. Just a handful of years ago, I went to Seattle for a company conference. The only thing I was really glad about was the fact that recreational cannabis happened to be legal. I really didn’t want to […]

The Seattle museums are wonderful

Seattle, WA definitely has some of the most interesting museums that I’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting. Not especially long ago, I went to Seattle for a supplier conference. The only thing I was genuinely pleased about was the fact that recreational cannabis was legal in this state! I did not want to go […]

A day at the US Mint museum

Have you ever wondered where coins come from? I found myself wondering the same when mom told myself and others all of us would be visiting the US Mint! She told myself and others to bring our jar full of coins if I wanted to… The mint factory is responsible for minting about 50 million […]

Air conditioning in Denver, Colorado

Have you ever wondered where coins come from? I found myself wondering the same when mom told myself and others every one of us would be going to see the US Mint. She told myself and others to bring my jar full of coins if I wanted to; The mint factory is responsible for minting […]

Ever wonder where this came from?

Have you ever wondered where coins come from? I found myself wondering the same when mom told myself and others the two of us would be visiting the US Mint, however she told myself and others to bring my jar full of coins if I wanted to! The mint factory is responsible for minting about […]