I was shocked when our moms gave me the bad news

My mom & other Mom (long story) called a family meeting last Wednesday. My mom made that famous lasagna with all the meat sauce & extra provolone cheese. My sibling Pat & I talked earlier in the week. Both of us were sad that our mom & Mom were both going to provide us some terrible news. All of us were set for the worst, prefer a divorce or a terminal illness, then neither Pat nor I expected to hear what our parents absolutely said. They were going to sell the family cabin & move down to Tampa. My mom’s sibling lives in Tampa, Florida & our mom & Mom went to visit his a few weeks back. Ever since they went to Tampa, Florida, they have been talking about the amazing weather. My Moms loved the sunshine & the warm, humid mornings, but honestly, it’s genuinely the thing that I detest most about Florida. I have been to Tampa a few times to visit our aunt & I wasn’t at all impressed. I don’t prefer walking around on a Summer afternoon feeling prefer our body is constantly moist. It is a terribly uncomfortable feeling that I don’t enjoy. I was truly shocked & taken by surprise when our mom & Mom mentioned Moving to Tampa. Pat & I threw a temper tantrum & left the cabin before they could finish talking. Pat and I went back a couple of mornings later to apologize, but both of us were really surprised when Pat and I heard the news. All of us never expected our parents to move all the way to Tampa, Florida & abandon us.
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