Adding an air purifier

Living in Springfield, Missouri, means exposure to a wide range of weather extremes.

The average temperature climbs into the mid eighties for four straight months with brutal humidity.

We also experience temperatures below freezing for approximately five months. We switch between running the furnace and relying on the air conditioner with a very brief break in-between. There are times when it’s necessary to run the heating system at night and start up the cooling system during the day. To reduce utility bills, I’ve made an effort to tighten up the home. I’ve replaced the insulation in the attic, caulked around the windows and carefully added weatherstripping to the front and back doors. Sealing the thermal envelope helps to reduce energy losses and the workload of the furnace and air conditioner. Unfortunately, this also eliminates natural ventilation. In South Bend, it’s rarely possible to open the windows and let in some fresh air. Because of this, the home becomes rather stale and stuffy. Contaminants such as dust, dander, pollen and all sorts of toxins get trapped inside and continually circulated by the heating and cooling system. Everything from the ductwork to pets, cleaning products and personal hygiene products contribute to problems with indoor air quality. It seemed my kids were getting sick all too frequently. I was having issues with headaches and insomnia. My husband’s allergies were aggravated. Disinfecting surfaces and vacuuming weren’t solving the problems. I finally consulted with an HVAC contractor in South Bend and asked for recommendations. I ended up having an air purifier installed. This upgrade works to kill bacteria and viruses and capture allergens. It has made a huge improvement in the health and cleanliness of the living environment.



Springfield Missouri Ductless multi split