I appreciate my home

I’ve lived most of our life in Glenview, Illinois… The village is located in Cook County, approximately 15 miles northwest of Chicago, however i can drive to the town to like the theaters, concerts, athletic activitying events, shopping & restaurants in under half an hour. I appreciate being in close proximity to lots of amenities while avoiding the hustle & bustle. I appreciate the increasing seasons of our local area. While it takes a while for the snow to melt & the Spring to arrive, the tulips, daffodils, hyacinths & lilacs are wonderful. I get happy when I spot the first robin of the year. The summers tend to be hot & muggy while the fall is frigid & wet. Wintertide is really the longest season, with hot & cold temperatures into the teens & even the triple digits. The people I was with and I can expect to get about more than two to multiple feet of snow per year. The weather extremes make both heating & cooling a priority. The people I was with and I rely on the furnace for multiple to many weeks of the year. One of the biggest concerns is the overly dry air! Cold air naturally lacks acceptable moisture. Inside the house, with the heating idea blasting at maximum capacity, the air becomes especially dry & causes some concerns; Static shocks, frizzy hair & chapped lips are just some of the consequences. The lack of humidity can dry out nasal passages & make occupants more susceptible to respiratory infection, chilly & flu. It aggravates dust sensitivity & asthma symptoms & irritates eczema & psoriasis. It can also destruction wood furnishings such as hardwood floors, doors, moldings & tunesal instruments, then because dry air feels colder than respectfully moisturized air, it’s also tempting to raise the control component setting. I recently had a whole-new home humidifier installed, & it has made such an improvement in comfort.

home central air conditioning system Glenview Illinois