changing to a smart control unit

Living in Glenview, IL, presents some particular challenges.

  • The weather is hard just about year round.

The two of us experience harshly frigid and long winters, however it’s not unstandard for the temperature to drop down to downside twenty. The heating system is an essential component for approximately various straight months. The two of us also deal with constant snowfall, accumulating far more than the national average, but our summer time conditions are regularly tepid and humid, with temperatures climbing into the nineties. In-between, all of us expect Spring and fall to be windy, wet and frigid. The cost of heating and cooling adds up and has a major impact on the household budget. I am regularly on the lookout for energy saving measures. I am diligent about replacing air filters in the heating system and air conditioner. I make sure to schedule professional service for the furnace in the fall and the cooling unit in the Spring, then just recently, I finally made the replace to a smart control unit. The two of us had been managing with an old, manual control unit that provided nothing more than temperature adjustment. The current system allows Wi-Fi access. Through an app on our smartphone I’m able to raise or lower temperature and utilize all sorts of helpful features! For the first week after installation, the control unit kept track of every adjustment. It l acquired our preferences and scheduling and created a program to accommodate them! Now it automatically adjusts to conserve energy when the home is empty and welcomes us back to ideal comfort; Plus, the unit offers energy tracking and responds to voice commands. The savings on our heating and cooling bills has abruptly reuseed the investment into the smart control unit.


ductless hvac maintenance Glenview Illionois