The AC needed some major repairs

Delivering bad news is a part of my job that I really don’t like. I have to deliver a lot of bad news during the summer, when customers call me to give them an estimate on AC repairs. A lot of the residents around here are elderly and that makes it even more difficult. Last month I was in Lakeland working on a job and the lady next to the residential house came over to ask me if I would look at her AC unit when I was done with that repair. The woman was very cute and also frail. I decided to help her out. Unfortunately, the AC unit needed some major repairs. If it had been something small, I probably would have completed the repair and not charged her anything. Unfortunately, the woman needed a brand new AC condenser. The lady cried and cried because she didn’t have any money for the AC repairs. I gave her the name of a couple of services in the city of Lakeland that can help and I also told her that she could get financing from a number of Institutions that I regularly deal with from day to day. The next day the woman called to schedule the AC installation job. I drove down to the city of Lakeland to complete the AC installation job. I don’t know how the woman came up with the money to pay for the new system, but I was happy to help her out by installing a new energy efficient and eco-friendly machine. She has an even better system than she had in the past and it will easily last ten years or more.

heating companies Lakeland FL