We really loved our little trip to Washington

I kind of liked the brisk chill in the air.

My wifey as well as I appreciate going on quick little trips to different states, and anytime there is a beak or a holiday, the multiple of us fly somewhere for a few mornings, however it is fun seeing the sights, exploring the town as well as experiencing new locations… Our goal is to someday say both of us have been to all 50 states, and recently the multiple of us went to Spokane Washington as well as it was great, however the weather was gorgeous, the flowers were blooming as well as the town was fun. There are biking trails, gardens, theaters as well as museums to visit, then my wifey is a history lover as well as really loved the reading aspect of the trip. I am a more adventurous genre of woman as well as I liked that I had a long paved trail to ride a bike on. I also went on a run in Riverfront Park which was just beautiful. The weather really was worth mentioning again though. The two of us chose to do this trip in April around Easter time. The two of us experienced temperatures in the 50s-60s. It was a nice change from our southern location. The multiple of us were used to covered in sweat to death as well as relying on our AC, then during the trip it was nice enjoying a heating method for 1. I kind of liked the brisk chill in the air. I was able to do an hour run without covered in sweat to death. It was just cool enough to motivate me but not freezing to the point where my muscles tight end. My wifey as well as I agreed that both of us would 100% go back to Washington someday.


central air Spokane Washington