When it’s all said and done, I will end up in Denver

After fifteen years in the business I am finally starting to feel tired. The whole reason I took this job was for the constant travel. I grew up in a small town, and never went anywhere, so I dreamed of being able to travel the world and see everything I had only read about. Where there is a will, there’s a way! I applied myself, got the education I needed, and then found an entry level sales job that kept me on the road several months a year. Finally I grow weary of this, and look forward to settling down in Denver, Colorado to have a real home. Over the last few years I have been to so many different places, but Denver stands out from the rest. The last time I visited Denver I even spent a few hours looking at local cabins. I could never afford to buy a house in Denver, because the property values are too high, but there are a lot of small homes on the outskirts of the city which are quite affordable. Living in the city itself gives me easier access to cannabis dispensaries, but I would still be close enough to Denver to make it convenient. In Denver you are allowed to grow your own cannabis plants, so long as you don’t sell them outside of a legally operated and licensed dispensary. My job stops me from enjoying cannabis on a regular basis, so that’s another reason I look forward to settling down in Denver. In a few more years I will be able to call Denver my home.

Recreational Dispensary Denver CO