My next stop to Denver, CO

My 3 S’s for a good getaway are Skiing, Sports, & Smoking Cannabis! If I am going to take an actual getaway somewhere, I have to be able to do all 3 of these activities, however otherwise it simply isn’t worth doing! Vacations cost a lot of money, & take a ton of work to set up, so I won’t settle for anything less than perfection! This is why I am such a large fan of Denver, Colorado, because it checks off all 3 of those boxes in a big way! Denver is new home to a dozen good activitys teams, but sure you guess about the Broncos & the Nuggets, but what about their other good teams? The Colorado Avalanche, the Rockies, & of course the mighty soccer club the Rapids? I always coordinate our trips to Denver with major activitying events, because I appreciate the sites they have in this city! Next to activitys, the best thing about Denver is the proliferation of cannabis dispensaries.

This neighborhood has built a tourism industry from their cannabis dispensaries, so I would be remiss if I visited Denver & didn’t shop around for some weed! There are dozens of odd legal cannabis dispensaries in Denver, & because of the stiff competition I can often find some sweet deals.

The sixth of our 3 S’s is skiing, something else Denver is famous for; I even found a ski resort that has its own cannabis dispensary just north of Denver, then after all this talk about Denver, I guess it’s time to start planning our next trip.


Medical Pot Shop Denver Colorado