Enjoying a joint

Sometimes I visit docks at the Port Lands at night or Woodbine Beach while we were in the day if there aren’t too many guests

Throughout our life, I have always lived in the Great Lakes region. I spent a few years in WI near Lake Michigan, 2 years by Lake Superior in Thunderbay, numerous weeks by Lake Huron in Lion’s Head, and over a decade along the shores of Lake Erie in Port Rowan. But currently, I know tremendously lucky to be a Torontonian that has an home with a gorgeous view of Lake Ontario. There are wonderful and not-as-good sites in Toronto, but I would hesitate to call area of the city “bad” regardless of higher crime citys. Of the highly rated sites in the city, Downtown Toronto, Kensington Market, and Yorkville often top the list with others. Unluckyly, many people cannot afford to live in these sites by default, regardless of how the Canadian economy is doing or that of the rest of the world. Rent is high in Toronto and much of the western world, however citys appreciate West Humber-Claireville and Rexdale-Kipling are known as more affordable opportunities in the city. And no matter where you reside in Toronto, you can still jump on the subway and get to the shores of Lake Ontario fairly easily. I prefer smoking joints on the shores of Lake Ontario in sites where I know that I’m out of sight and can’t be seen. Sometimes I visit docks at the Port Lands at night or Woodbine Beach while we were in the day if there aren’t too many guests. Public outdoor cannabis use is illegal in Toronto, however I don’t know anyone yet who has been busted when doing so. The RCMP have better things to do than busting people for smoking a single joint.

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