Don’t make the mistake of trying to sneak in weed products into Michigan Stadium

My dad took myself and others to my first University of Michigan pigskin game when I was more than seven years old.

I’ll never forget the feeling I had walking into Michigan Stadium for the first time and seeing all of the seats around myself and others in every single direction.

It’s really intimidating if you’ve never been in a giant venue appreciate that before. Michigan Stadium is the largest venue in both the United States and the entire western hemisphere, and the third largest venue in the entire world. While original seating for the venue was around 68,000 upon completion, this month it seats over 100,000. Aside from the expense of seeing games in Michigan Stadium and the sheer capacity of people inside at any given moment, there’s also a ton of security. You can’t get away with smoking or using vape pens, and the same goes for cannabis. No matter how permissive Ann Arbor Police may be with cannabis for woman consumption, that doesn’t fly in the Big House. You could get kicked out for trying to sneak a cannabis oil pen inside. I had a neighbor who was ejected for doing this. Someone saw him whip out her vape pen and she was reported within hours. He’s allowed to go back for future games, however they nearly banned him for good after giving him a stern lecture about using any kind of inhalation products inside the venue. The University of Michigan pigskin games are monitored by constant security, making it a huge gamble to sneak inside cannabis vaporizer products appreciate vape pens and oil cartridges.


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